
Proofreading Rates

All proofreading includes a line-by-line reading of the work to find and note typos, misspellings, missing words, missing punctuation, word usage, consistency, and obvious format errors

  • Up to 50,000 words

    $5 per 1000 words

  • 50,001 - 100,000 Words

    $4.75 per 1000 words

  • 100,001+ Words

    $4.50 per 1000 words

Contact Us

Payment is via PayPal invoice and can be settled via Card or PayPal. All above rates are available on payment plans for no extra charge. Take as long as you want to pay them off. Once payments are complete, we can edit your work. It's that simple. Also, don't forget you receive a free year's promotion of your book to over 400,000 with every purchase over $150.